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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vedic Astronomy

Vedic Astronomy is a very simple site that explains how time was charted in ancient India. It has star charts of the zodiac among other study of ancient Vedic Astronomy. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this resource to the list as it has information on such things as the Vedic calendar and the dating of the Mahabharata based on astronomical evidence given in the story.

Vedic Scholar

VedicScholar.com is a versatile site on Vedic Astrology that you can find on the net. Though it does not give much of an introduction of what Vedic Astrology is, for that wikipedia is much better, Vedic Scholar's tools for getting your chart done through the internet is fast and friendly. Using your birth data and easily finding out the longitude and latitude of your birth place with the simple tool provided as a link on Vedic Scholar you can get your vedic astrology chart drawn up in seconds. It also provides other useful information such as planetary conditions in your chart that astrologers will find helpful for interpreting the astrology chart. HinduSearchEngine.com has added VedicScholar.com to its list among other useful sites on vedic astrology.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal is a one of the best online yoga magazine there is . I have added its resources to HinduSearchEngine.com so its wealth can be enjoyed by those who search on anything to do with yoga exercises, pranayama (breath modulation techniques), vegetarian diet and recipes and more. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Simple Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Techniques

If you are interested in Tibetan buddhist meditation techniques how-to-meditate.org is a straight forward website with all the resources you need to get you on the right footing. The use a system called Lamrim which has stages of proficiency. They have also translated all the Tibetan prayers that are part of the preparation for meditation into English which makes this website very friendly for English literates. HinduSearchEngine.com has this site on its search list.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Understanding and Preparing for Natural Disasters

HinduSearchEngine.com has added two great websites with information on preparedness for emergency in life. This is inline with content on MyHinduPage.org that look for understanding on natural disasters from a spiritual perspective. From this perspective natural disasters are understood as they are, which are natural occurances. As such it is better to be prepared for them how remote a chance it may seem that one might encounter a natural disaster in his or her lifetime. Search on HinduSearchEngine.com and you will get results from two of the best sites with information and advise on preparing and handling emergencies. The websites are 72hours.org and fema.gov.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Varanasi / Kashi

Varanasi or Kasi is one of the oldest living cities in the world. Many names have been given to Varanasi, though its recently revived official appellation is mentioned in the Mahabharata and in the Jataka tales of Buddhism. It is an amazing destination for tourists and pilgrims. A city caught in a time warp, seemingly unaffected by the happenings of the rest of the world around it, yet drawing people constantly to the mysteries of the powers that the River Ganga holds. This city is featured in HinduSearchEngine.com. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Timeline of Earth Resource

The history of Earth is reflected very nicely on this website by scientificpsychic.com. It has one of the most detailed and comprehensive timeline of Earth, in a friendly format of tables with pictures. I have added this site to HinduSearchEngine.com for it is relevant for the study of Creation. Hindu teaching is in concert with scientific belief that Earth is billions of years old. This website is also great for students who need resources to do projects or papers on the history of earth and its eras. Make a search on the dinosaurs our the Cambrian era or the stone age and see what comes up on HinduSearchEngine.com.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

HinduSearchEngine.com recently added Jet Propulsion Laboratory's website by NASA to its list. For a mystic space provides an overview perspective in life. The perspective of space that is gained from the study of astronomy can generate appreciation of the existence of life on Earth as well as the grandness of Creation. Meditation on space, planets and stars led ancient seers to develop the art of astrology. Have fun searching on the planets of our solar system on HinduSearchEngine.com. The results you will amuse and interest you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hindu Temples of Malaysia

Mystical Temples of Malaysia is a hodgepodge collection of big and small temples in Malaysia that the author of this blog visits. Though there is not much as far as organization, such as sect, deities or locality it is one of the best collection of Hindu Temple sites in Malaysia as the author goes to the trouble to find the history of these temples. A wonderful effort and I hope he continues this noble effort and reviews more temples in Malaysia and perhaps even Singapore.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Better Safe than Sorry

I've added the US Federal Emergency & Management Agency into HinduSearchEngine.com, this is part of the Life Positive Forum titled the Rejuvenating Powers of Nature. In the forum we tried to understand natural disasters from a spiritual point of view, which pointed the obvious that we should all be prepared as well as we can. If you searched for any natural disaster preparedness on HinduSearchEngine.com you will get targeted info that you can use practically and on the go for this and other selected websites.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tanjavur Temple

The Big Temple of Tanjavur is a man made wonder of the world. This amazing temple celebrated its millennia anniversary last year. A thousand years of service, that is an amazing feat in itself let alone the amazing architecture of the temple. It took only seven years to build this master piece of Tamil genius. A wonderful place to visit and contemplate the future if you find yourself in Tamilnadu, India. This temple is one of my favourite haunts and the Sivalingam inside the temple is huge and has an awesome spiritual strength. Search on HinduSearchEngine.com for more info on this amazing temple.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking for Quotes?

Looking for quotes? Have fun looking for them. Just search for quotes on any subjects, especially spiritual ones and you will get a targeted selection that I have reviewed and found useful. From quotes by Swami Vivekananda, Vedic quotes, quotes from the Agamas, Tirumantiram, Tirukkural and more.

If you are looking for resources on Swami Vivekananda or the great Saint Sri Ramakrishna, search under their names or Belur Math or any books published by the Ramakrishna Mission. Enjoy your web search experience with HinduSearchEngine.com