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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Traveling in Nepal

HinduSearchEngine.com is scouring the web for information on Nepal. I've found a number of websites that are good for various reasons. This one nepal.travel is the best for information on just about anything a visitor needs in Nepal. From places to visit, national park fees, tranportation, some cultural information, pilgrimage, sightseeing, adventure activity and more. However the site is very shy on photographs. Great for quick information gathering. 

Yoga Accessories

Looking for yoga accessories such as mats, towels, mat-bags and all things related to yoga. Search on HinduSearchEngine.com . I have included a few of the best sites I have found so far for these items, including this site spiritvoyage.com. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mystical Chakra Resource

Tantra-kundalini.com is a very simple website that gives your very quick basic information on the seven mystical chakras that are paralleled to the nerve plexus of the physical bodies spine. For those who need quick information on the location, function and symbolism of the chakras this is a good site. HinduSearchEngine.com has included this site in its database to enrich its mystical content. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For Yoga Teachers and Aspiring Yoga Teachers

Yoga Journal has a great resource for yoga teachers and aspiring yoga teachers alike. It has many articles on the scientific reasoning of how yoga poses can improve health among other articles that yoga teachers can use as background information when advising students on yoga poses most suited for them. It also has articles on the origins and spirituality behind the practice of yoga (specifically hatha yoga) It also has advice on insurance and many other useful resources that can help a teacher or an aspiring yoga teacher. HinduSearchEngine.com has given Yoga Journal's Yoga for Teachers a special highlight for targeted results on "teaching yoga".

Monday, July 25, 2011

More on Bali Temples

There are no dedicated sites on the Hindu temples of Bali online. Most of them are on tour and travel websites. I have added a number of them for their basic information as well as some amazing photographs of the temples and the setting they are in. Search HinduSearchEngine.com for "Bali Temples". 

Learn Vipassana Meditation

What is Vipassana Meditation? Essentially it is a non-sectarian or universal meditation technique that is used to overcome any kind of mental (or even physical ) suffering using a meditative technique discovered and taught by The Buddha. Its aim is to achieve the "highest happiness of full liberation". This very simple no-frills website on Vipassana Meditation is one of the most direct and quickest one in cyberspace to understand what this meditation technique is all about. In this site you can learn what the technique is, what is required of you to do it and also a list of centers around the world that cater for its practice. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this website to its search database for its wealth in information on Vipassana Meditation.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Interesting Astrology Bites

ILoveIndia.com has a very simplistic astrology section that some may find very useful. Especially since the information is very general and  easy to read. Of course the actual application of the information on the site for decision making can be vague, however it is  entertaining and does give some fodder to ponder on life events, especially if any of the info strikes a chord. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site and its information into its search database to enrich quick and general information for those seeking quick astrological advice. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gateway for India - Vedas Resources

HinduSearchEngine.com has added GatewayforIndia.com's Vedas and Upanishads resources into its search database. Though most of the resources are not translations, instead they are in Devanagiri (Sanskrit font), with all the Vedas transliterated into English. Whereas all the Upanishads, where there is a wonderful collection of all 108 upanishads are only in Devanagiri. It is a great resource for research especially if you know or are learning Sanskrit. There are also audio collections of Vedic chanting that can be downloaded or listened to online, but the quality is poor. Great site for resources.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Balinese Hinduism

In search of Balinese Hinduism, I came across this brief website baliadvertising.com. I am surprised that there is no independent website on Bali Hindusim. It seems such an intriguing subject but apart from wikipedia, most of the information on Bali have more to do, as one would expect, on travel than religion. However this website does give a glimpse of the religion written most probably by Balinese themselves and the priorities that they espouse in their Hindu tradition. HinduSearchEngine.com has included this website to its database. Also included are good comprehensive articles on Balinese dances.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good Online Ayurvedic Resource

HinduSearchEngine.com has added holistic-herbalist.com in its search database. This is a good site with extensive information on medicinal herbs used in Ayurveda. Though the site is technical in that it is easier to understand if you have at least a little background on Ayurveda or ayurvedic lingo, it is never the less extensive. It is also published by an Ayurvedic doctor which allows for online consultations. Navigation is a snap on this website with the menu's decked on the left of the page.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ramana Ashram Website - Tiruvanamalai

Ramana Maharishi is a Saint many people would hardly believe had lived in the 20th century. This humble human being radiated peace and love through his very gaze. It was easily felt by both humans and animals alike. A man who lived on Earth and created heaven for wherever he was by his very presence. HinduSearchEngine.com is blessed to have the official website of Ramana Ashram in its database. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Festivals and Celebrations in India

ILoveIndia.com is a very quick resource for all things to do with India. It has everything from festivals and celebrations in India to jobs and career opportunities in India to garden tips. While most of the secular information is quite general the religious information here is helpful for some general understanding and knowing the dates of festivals for instance. HinduSearchEngine.com has added selected pages of iloveindia.com to its database, especially focusing on religion, yoga and travel in India.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Message from the Masters

Message from the Masters is an Osho based website that is very eclectic in its mystical range. Among the masters it highlights are Ramana Maharishi, Paramahamsa Ramakrishna, Adi Shankara, Rajnees, Buddha and Jesus. This website is wonderful for its simplicity and ease with which to get information. It also has a selection of text and quotes by these masters. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site to add richness to the search engine.

Sites On Adi Shankara

Adi Shankara the most important proponent of Advaita Vedanta, one of the six schools of philosophy that arose from Sanatana Dharma. Famed for his intellect, Adi Shankara's writings lead readers into realizing the possibility that the Reality of God underlies all of creation. He goes on to even suggest that the world we are living in is ultimately and illusion. Adi Shankara was a revolutionary in Hinduism, creating systems of worship and monastic orders all over India. HinduSearchEngine.com has added a repertoire of sites on Sri Adi Shankara which have both his writings and biography.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sri Aurobindo

HinduSearchEngine.com review websites on Sri Aurobindo and found the the website of the organization he started in Pondhicherry, India. Sri Aurobindo's unique contribution to human potential and growth developed through his integration of Western and Eastern cultures. He brought the energy and vision of the West, with its focus on the perfection of the physical, material and mental areas of human life together with the spiritual development and philosophical directions developed over thousands of years in the East. HinduSearchEngin.com has added a number of websites that features his writings. He is a unique spiritual master who lived during the time of Mahatma Gandhi. He too struggled for the independence of India from the British. It was during this time when he was prisoned that his spirituality developed. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Comparing Religions

HinduSearchEngine.com has added a great resource on comparative religion on to its database. With it quick navigation menu on the right of the webpage, the entire content of the site is available and for whatever reason you want to compare religions you can get to the info quickly. I am also impressed by the information which is complete but not with so much detail that could make this kind of sites cumbersome.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Organizing Pilgrimages in India

HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site Pilgrimage-India.com to its search database mainly for the superb information that it provides as far as planning pilgrimages in India. It has a variety of pilgrimages organized by state, by temple sect and more. It also has buddhist pilgrimage plans. I cannot verify whether their service is good or not, I haven't found any bad reviews about them on the internet, but if anything the site itself can  give you a guide to plan your own pilgrimage. The site also provides good information on the pilgrimage places. You can also request a quotation from them so you will know how much your budget needs to be even if you did not use their services. A good information site. If you have used the travel services of this site please share your experience with this tour company.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summary of Temples in India based on the States of India

Templenet.com is a great site if you need to find pilgrimage temples anywhere in India. It is a very simple website but very effective if you want to decide on a pilgrimage route in India. It organizes the temples in its database based on the states of India which makes it very orderly. You will probably find many interesting temples that you were not aware of and can add to your wish list in your places of pilgrimage to visit. This site provides brief history of the temples, however it is not very good with location, addresses and has no map refrences. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site among other sites to its Hindu temple search database. Search on "India Temples" and see what turns up.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Theosophy Library Online

What is Theosophy? Here is an explanation given by William Q. Judge, 1893
Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child." - from The Ocean of Theosophy. HinduSearchEngine has included the Theosophy Online Library to its search list to add richness to the search results. Theosophy is a philosophy developed in the 19th century that is based solely on mysticism. Its founders researched both Eastern and Western mysticism to develop the teachings of philosophy. Much of its philosophy is drawn from Raja Yoga.