If you are looking for Hindu / Indic baby names in as many categories as you can imagine; boy, girl, popular, cute, unique, unusual, uncommon, Buddhist, Sanskrit, Bengali, Tamil and more; there is finally a one stop website to serve your inspired needs of finding a Hindu or Indic name for your baby or whatever your needs maybe. This site comes with basic meaning of the names and also gives the option of suggesting a deeper or more elaborate meaning to name if you know of it to the webmaster, a great feature to keep the site getting richer.
Unlike many other duplicate generic name sites out there, Babynology.com is one HinduSearchEngine.com recommends that will be worth your time. Another fun feature of the site is that it is quite comprehensive in providing names from other nationalities or ethnicities. Have you ever had the urge to look up Hawaiian names, Aztec names, Thai names or Gothic names? Then give Babynology.com a spin.