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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Comprehensive Website on Mahatma Gandhi

If you are looking for Mahatma Gandhi's speeches, want to learn about his life through biographies, chronologies, photographs, tributes much more you can find comprehensive resources in www.gandhi-manibhavan.org. The site is a little cumbersome to navigate, but once you understand the layout there is much resources that will be at your fingertips. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site and its related blog to enrich quality information on Mahatma Gandhi who is most likely the among the most prominent modern proponent of non-violent struggle.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

An Online Yoga Community

My Yoga Online is a budding online yoga community that is very dynamic. If you are a yoga fan, teacher and interested to connect with like-minded people this is a site to connect with. Upon free sign up you will have access to yoga poses and images, articles on yoga and healthy living and be able to read their blogs and forum. Their paid membership gives access to lots more content and access to expert advice on yoga and healthy living. I have included this site as part of HinduSearchEngine.com to keep the search contemporary with latest developments of yoga in cyberspace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Science of Pranayama by Swami Sivananda Online

This is a great book to have online for fast reference. Though written in early 20th century English that can be a little taxing to the reader, Swami Sivananda is always endearing for the service he has rendered by sharing spiritual information to one and all. He has excelled in this and can be considered the second great Hindu saint to open Indian spiritual teachings to the world by explaining and writing in English. His works are not translations but his own wisdom and learning to be appreciated as the teachings of a true enlightened and humble master.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Yoga University in India, Great Website for Yoga Teachers and Adept Yogis

If you are interested in a trully comprehensive traditional yoga study course, then check out Yoga Vidya Gurukul's website and their offerings. The website itself is quite comprehensive with hatha yoga and pretty comprehensive pranayama information. If you are looking to learn yoga in a more traditional Hindu or Indian context, this place looks promising. Do check out their website, yogapoint.com, its information offering is extensive though mainly text based. As a reference for yoga teachers and adept yogis this is a very useful website.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand

If you are interested in learning to be a yoga teacher, there are a number of sites available for your consideration in HinduSearchEngine.com. These sites are mainly in India and some in other parts of the world. One of the best one that has received good reviews from participants and professional reviewers is Absolute Yoga located in the ideally Koh Samui Island of Thailand. It is a dream place to learn yoga. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Goa Yoga Retreat for the Western Soul

Want to go for a yoga retreat in Goa, India but need to ease into Asian culture. Then Ashinyana yoga retreat is just for you. HinduSearchEngine.com has added many online yoga retreat offerings that can be found in India, Bali, Thailand, UK, Mauritius and many more countries. I will continue my search for more of such retreats around the world to enrich HinduSearchEngine.com information offering to cater for the widest possible needs.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Designer Aums

Looking for designer Aums for your publications or T-Shirts or e-cards? One of the best resource available on the web is provided by Himalayan Academy's Aum Page. They have the art as thumbnail for viewing and the entire collection can be bought in the Aum CD. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site as part of Hindu art resources.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Stable of Spiritual Philosophers

Scouring through the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), HinduSearchEngine.com has added a stable of spiritual philosophers from this site to its database. While IEP has biographies and articles on the works of philosophers from all over the world and all walks of life, HinduSearchEngine.com has picked out the most relevant ones for its search database. They are Indian, Chinese or Greeks. So if you are looking for Madhavachariya, or Dr. Radhakrishnan or Buddha, their listing in IEP can be found in HinduSearchEngine.com .  Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Ralph Waldo Emerson and more are also part of the database. Though IEP is not very complete in representing Indian philosophers, their articles are much more friendly reads compared to Wikipedia. Hopefully in time to come they will include Sri Adi Shankara, Sage Patanjali, Tiruvalluvar and more philosophers from the Indian Subcontinent. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

South African Yoga and Ayurveda Institute

If you are from South Africa or are in South Africa and are looking for a Swami Yogananda inspired center to plan your yoga classes, training or retreats check out asanga.org.za . They have an impressive array of activities to soothe the body and soul. HinduSearchEngine.com has added these and websites the like from around the globe for the reference of seeking travelers. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Looking for contemporary yoga retreats around the world?

With so many websites on yoga retreats around the world HinduSearchEngine.com looks out for only those that have some unique qualities. Lotus Yoga Retreat is set on the the beaches of Goa, and there is more locations for yoga retreats all over the world, from the alps to safari yogas in Botswana. Search for yoga retreats on HinduSearchEngine.com and you will be amazed that the variety and locations.

Monday, September 19, 2011

World Wide Telescope

In the search for amazing online content and in line with how much of spirituality is based on nature, HinduSearchEngine.com has added worldwidetelescope.org into its search database. This website is like google earth, but for space beyond Earth. After downloading the windows compatible software you can turn your computer to a virtual telescope. All the images that are from this site comes from super telescopes around the world and in space. Great as teachers resource and for entertaining study of outer space or as a way to spend time creatively by delving into the expanse of outerspace.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yoga Retreat and YogaTeacher Training In India

If you are looking for Yoga teacher training in India, starlim.com has many official Indian registered yoga training and teacher programmes. HinduSearchEngine.com has also added many websites that offer training around the world into its database, vetting each one based on the info they provide in their website.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

All About Lord Murugan

If you are looking for online information on Lord Murugan, also known as Lord Kartikeya, then go to Murugan.org . By far the most comprehensive website on Lord Murugan to be found. With information on myths, saints, temples, prayers and more. Truly wonderful website created by a true devotee of the Lord. HinduSearchEngine.com has added a whole retinue of sites Murugan.org provides to give the most complete information of Lord Murgan, the endearing Hindu deity that can be found on the web.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Hinduism

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a very readable piece on Hinduism. While it postulates the mainly Western Academic understanding of Hinduism, its article on the different phases of development of Hinduism through the ages is spot on. I have found this article a much more simple and straight forward read compared to what is on Wikipedia. I have thus included the sites page on Hinduism into HinduSearchEngine.com

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nallur and Kataragama of Sri Lanka

Nallur Kandaswami and Kathirgama Murugan temples are two ancient pilgrimage destinations for Tamil Hindus of Sri Lanka. Both these temples have colourful histories and associated with many Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim saints of the region. Kathirgama especially is equally a shrine for Hindus, Buddhist and Muslims. HinduSearchEngine.com has added sites of both these temples to its resource list.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Hindu Encyclopedia

I have been looking out for good online encyclopedias on Hinduism to add to HinduSearchEngine.com . Apart from references in Wikipedia, which are great though sometimes burdened by 'over-information' I have found Hindupedia a great information source for Hinduism and if anything it might be a little terse in the information it provides, however it is easier to read and delivers information more efficiently compared to wikipedia. Thus HinduSearchEngine has added the resources of this entire site to its search database.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Order Hindu Ceremonies Online

I am amazed by the innovativeness of Saranam.com to provide archana, homa (agnihotra) and other services online. Saranam.com serves temples in South India, mainly in Tamil Nadu, but they do have some temples of the North. You can order Hindu ceremonies such as pujas, homas for specific purposes and more from this website. Though I cannot as of yet verify the authenticity or efficiency of their services, it is common practice for priests in these temples to send sacraments from ceremonies to devotees across the globe by post. Saranam.com now provides an online portal to order these services. HinduSearchEngine.com has added the resources of this site into its database to enrich its services.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ganesha Chaturthi

If you are looking for comprehensive information on Ganesha Chaturthi, for the myth behind this universal Hindu festival, how and where it is celebrated, to recipes for Lord Ganesha's favourite sweets, do a search on HinduSearchEngine.com . I will be continually looking for the best sites to provide the best of Ganesha resources online.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Information on Diwali / Deepavali

HinduSearchEngine.com is at the moment scouring the internet for some of the best resources on the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali (Deepavali in South India). This festival is one of three festivals that are celebrated by Hindus across all denominations as a way of commemorating the important purpose of striving for wisdom as a means of conquering ignorance. There are a number of myths and legends around Diwali, the main being related to the Epic Ramayana. HinduSearchEngine has a number of sites in its database chief among these that provide specifics related to Diwali is www.diwalifestival.org . The site has some flow issues but the information though brief is meaningful and useful.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pondering by MyHinduPage.org

Pondering touches on current affairs among other of the webmaster of myhindupage.org's more secular interests. These articles are sourced from the news or other sources and presents commentaries born of my insights from meditations and observations. Some of the articles here are part of the Life Postive Forum. HinduSearchEngine.com has recently added this blog into its database to enrich its search with spiritual perspectives on current affairs.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Great Hindu Art Site of the Legend Harish Johari

Sanatansociety.com is an Hindu art website. The site was created and maintained by students of the legendary late Indian artist Harish Johari. Harish Johari's paintings including those done by his student are on display in this site including avenues for purchase. There are also books written by the late Harish Johari and others, music and more. Their 'free stuff' collection is also impressive. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site to its database. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mystic Musings

Mystic Musings is a blog by the webmaster and founder of MyHinduPage.org, Guhanathaswami. In Mystic Musings matters of the mind such as subconscious conditioning and elements of life such as time are explored and explained through the Swami's mystical perspective. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site to its database for its contemporary exposition on mystical matters.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pilgrimages in Nepal

Yatranepal.com is an informative site on pilgrimaging in Nepal with details on tour packages ranging from helicopter tours to Mount Kailash, Buddhist pilgrimage tours, Muktinath pilgrimage, Tibet tours among others. With details including prices on the pilgrimage packages the site also offers other non-pilgrimage tour information such as mountaineering, bungee jumping, rafting, national park information and so forth. It is a great one-stop online site for planning tour and travel in Nepal. Yatranepal.com is now in HinduSearchEngine.com 's search list.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Traveling in Nepal

HinduSearchEngine.com is scouring the web for information on Nepal. I've found a number of websites that are good for various reasons. This one nepal.travel is the best for information on just about anything a visitor needs in Nepal. From places to visit, national park fees, tranportation, some cultural information, pilgrimage, sightseeing, adventure activity and more. However the site is very shy on photographs. Great for quick information gathering. 

Yoga Accessories

Looking for yoga accessories such as mats, towels, mat-bags and all things related to yoga. Search on HinduSearchEngine.com . I have included a few of the best sites I have found so far for these items, including this site spiritvoyage.com. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mystical Chakra Resource

Tantra-kundalini.com is a very simple website that gives your very quick basic information on the seven mystical chakras that are paralleled to the nerve plexus of the physical bodies spine. For those who need quick information on the location, function and symbolism of the chakras this is a good site. HinduSearchEngine.com has included this site in its database to enrich its mystical content. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For Yoga Teachers and Aspiring Yoga Teachers

Yoga Journal has a great resource for yoga teachers and aspiring yoga teachers alike. It has many articles on the scientific reasoning of how yoga poses can improve health among other articles that yoga teachers can use as background information when advising students on yoga poses most suited for them. It also has articles on the origins and spirituality behind the practice of yoga (specifically hatha yoga) It also has advice on insurance and many other useful resources that can help a teacher or an aspiring yoga teacher. HinduSearchEngine.com has given Yoga Journal's Yoga for Teachers a special highlight for targeted results on "teaching yoga".

Monday, July 25, 2011

More on Bali Temples

There are no dedicated sites on the Hindu temples of Bali online. Most of them are on tour and travel websites. I have added a number of them for their basic information as well as some amazing photographs of the temples and the setting they are in. Search HinduSearchEngine.com for "Bali Temples". 

Learn Vipassana Meditation

What is Vipassana Meditation? Essentially it is a non-sectarian or universal meditation technique that is used to overcome any kind of mental (or even physical ) suffering using a meditative technique discovered and taught by The Buddha. Its aim is to achieve the "highest happiness of full liberation". This very simple no-frills website on Vipassana Meditation is one of the most direct and quickest one in cyberspace to understand what this meditation technique is all about. In this site you can learn what the technique is, what is required of you to do it and also a list of centers around the world that cater for its practice. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this website to its search database for its wealth in information on Vipassana Meditation.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Interesting Astrology Bites

ILoveIndia.com has a very simplistic astrology section that some may find very useful. Especially since the information is very general and  easy to read. Of course the actual application of the information on the site for decision making can be vague, however it is  entertaining and does give some fodder to ponder on life events, especially if any of the info strikes a chord. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site and its information into its search database to enrich quick and general information for those seeking quick astrological advice. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gateway for India - Vedas Resources

HinduSearchEngine.com has added GatewayforIndia.com's Vedas and Upanishads resources into its search database. Though most of the resources are not translations, instead they are in Devanagiri (Sanskrit font), with all the Vedas transliterated into English. Whereas all the Upanishads, where there is a wonderful collection of all 108 upanishads are only in Devanagiri. It is a great resource for research especially if you know or are learning Sanskrit. There are also audio collections of Vedic chanting that can be downloaded or listened to online, but the quality is poor. Great site for resources.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Balinese Hinduism

In search of Balinese Hinduism, I came across this brief website baliadvertising.com. I am surprised that there is no independent website on Bali Hindusim. It seems such an intriguing subject but apart from wikipedia, most of the information on Bali have more to do, as one would expect, on travel than religion. However this website does give a glimpse of the religion written most probably by Balinese themselves and the priorities that they espouse in their Hindu tradition. HinduSearchEngine.com has included this website to its database. Also included are good comprehensive articles on Balinese dances.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good Online Ayurvedic Resource

HinduSearchEngine.com has added holistic-herbalist.com in its search database. This is a good site with extensive information on medicinal herbs used in Ayurveda. Though the site is technical in that it is easier to understand if you have at least a little background on Ayurveda or ayurvedic lingo, it is never the less extensive. It is also published by an Ayurvedic doctor which allows for online consultations. Navigation is a snap on this website with the menu's decked on the left of the page.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ramana Ashram Website - Tiruvanamalai

Ramana Maharishi is a Saint many people would hardly believe had lived in the 20th century. This humble human being radiated peace and love through his very gaze. It was easily felt by both humans and animals alike. A man who lived on Earth and created heaven for wherever he was by his very presence. HinduSearchEngine.com is blessed to have the official website of Ramana Ashram in its database. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Festivals and Celebrations in India

ILoveIndia.com is a very quick resource for all things to do with India. It has everything from festivals and celebrations in India to jobs and career opportunities in India to garden tips. While most of the secular information is quite general the religious information here is helpful for some general understanding and knowing the dates of festivals for instance. HinduSearchEngine.com has added selected pages of iloveindia.com to its database, especially focusing on religion, yoga and travel in India.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Message from the Masters

Message from the Masters is an Osho based website that is very eclectic in its mystical range. Among the masters it highlights are Ramana Maharishi, Paramahamsa Ramakrishna, Adi Shankara, Rajnees, Buddha and Jesus. This website is wonderful for its simplicity and ease with which to get information. It also has a selection of text and quotes by these masters. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site to add richness to the search engine.

Sites On Adi Shankara

Adi Shankara the most important proponent of Advaita Vedanta, one of the six schools of philosophy that arose from Sanatana Dharma. Famed for his intellect, Adi Shankara's writings lead readers into realizing the possibility that the Reality of God underlies all of creation. He goes on to even suggest that the world we are living in is ultimately and illusion. Adi Shankara was a revolutionary in Hinduism, creating systems of worship and monastic orders all over India. HinduSearchEngine.com has added a repertoire of sites on Sri Adi Shankara which have both his writings and biography.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sri Aurobindo

HinduSearchEngine.com review websites on Sri Aurobindo and found the the website of the organization he started in Pondhicherry, India. Sri Aurobindo's unique contribution to human potential and growth developed through his integration of Western and Eastern cultures. He brought the energy and vision of the West, with its focus on the perfection of the physical, material and mental areas of human life together with the spiritual development and philosophical directions developed over thousands of years in the East. HinduSearchEngin.com has added a number of websites that features his writings. He is a unique spiritual master who lived during the time of Mahatma Gandhi. He too struggled for the independence of India from the British. It was during this time when he was prisoned that his spirituality developed. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Comparing Religions

HinduSearchEngine.com has added a great resource on comparative religion on to its database. With it quick navigation menu on the right of the webpage, the entire content of the site is available and for whatever reason you want to compare religions you can get to the info quickly. I am also impressed by the information which is complete but not with so much detail that could make this kind of sites cumbersome.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Organizing Pilgrimages in India

HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site Pilgrimage-India.com to its search database mainly for the superb information that it provides as far as planning pilgrimages in India. It has a variety of pilgrimages organized by state, by temple sect and more. It also has buddhist pilgrimage plans. I cannot verify whether their service is good or not, I haven't found any bad reviews about them on the internet, but if anything the site itself can  give you a guide to plan your own pilgrimage. The site also provides good information on the pilgrimage places. You can also request a quotation from them so you will know how much your budget needs to be even if you did not use their services. A good information site. If you have used the travel services of this site please share your experience with this tour company.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summary of Temples in India based on the States of India

Templenet.com is a great site if you need to find pilgrimage temples anywhere in India. It is a very simple website but very effective if you want to decide on a pilgrimage route in India. It organizes the temples in its database based on the states of India which makes it very orderly. You will probably find many interesting temples that you were not aware of and can add to your wish list in your places of pilgrimage to visit. This site provides brief history of the temples, however it is not very good with location, addresses and has no map refrences. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this site among other sites to its Hindu temple search database. Search on "India Temples" and see what turns up.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Theosophy Library Online

What is Theosophy? Here is an explanation given by William Q. Judge, 1893
Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child." - from The Ocean of Theosophy. HinduSearchEngine has included the Theosophy Online Library to its search list to add richness to the search results. Theosophy is a philosophy developed in the 19th century that is based solely on mysticism. Its founders researched both Eastern and Western mysticism to develop the teachings of philosophy. Much of its philosophy is drawn from Raja Yoga.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vedic Astronomy

Vedic Astronomy is a very simple site that explains how time was charted in ancient India. It has star charts of the zodiac among other study of ancient Vedic Astronomy. HinduSearchEngine.com has added this resource to the list as it has information on such things as the Vedic calendar and the dating of the Mahabharata based on astronomical evidence given in the story.

Vedic Scholar

VedicScholar.com is a versatile site on Vedic Astrology that you can find on the net. Though it does not give much of an introduction of what Vedic Astrology is, for that wikipedia is much better, Vedic Scholar's tools for getting your chart done through the internet is fast and friendly. Using your birth data and easily finding out the longitude and latitude of your birth place with the simple tool provided as a link on Vedic Scholar you can get your vedic astrology chart drawn up in seconds. It also provides other useful information such as planetary conditions in your chart that astrologers will find helpful for interpreting the astrology chart. HinduSearchEngine.com has added VedicScholar.com to its list among other useful sites on vedic astrology.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal is a one of the best online yoga magazine there is . I have added its resources to HinduSearchEngine.com so its wealth can be enjoyed by those who search on anything to do with yoga exercises, pranayama (breath modulation techniques), vegetarian diet and recipes and more. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Simple Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Techniques

If you are interested in Tibetan buddhist meditation techniques how-to-meditate.org is a straight forward website with all the resources you need to get you on the right footing. The use a system called Lamrim which has stages of proficiency. They have also translated all the Tibetan prayers that are part of the preparation for meditation into English which makes this website very friendly for English literates. HinduSearchEngine.com has this site on its search list.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Understanding and Preparing for Natural Disasters

HinduSearchEngine.com has added two great websites with information on preparedness for emergency in life. This is inline with content on MyHinduPage.org that look for understanding on natural disasters from a spiritual perspective. From this perspective natural disasters are understood as they are, which are natural occurances. As such it is better to be prepared for them how remote a chance it may seem that one might encounter a natural disaster in his or her lifetime. Search on HinduSearchEngine.com and you will get results from two of the best sites with information and advise on preparing and handling emergencies. The websites are 72hours.org and fema.gov.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Varanasi / Kashi

Varanasi or Kasi is one of the oldest living cities in the world. Many names have been given to Varanasi, though its recently revived official appellation is mentioned in the Mahabharata and in the Jataka tales of Buddhism. It is an amazing destination for tourists and pilgrims. A city caught in a time warp, seemingly unaffected by the happenings of the rest of the world around it, yet drawing people constantly to the mysteries of the powers that the River Ganga holds. This city is featured in HinduSearchEngine.com. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Timeline of Earth Resource

The history of Earth is reflected very nicely on this website by scientificpsychic.com. It has one of the most detailed and comprehensive timeline of Earth, in a friendly format of tables with pictures. I have added this site to HinduSearchEngine.com for it is relevant for the study of Creation. Hindu teaching is in concert with scientific belief that Earth is billions of years old. This website is also great for students who need resources to do projects or papers on the history of earth and its eras. Make a search on the dinosaurs our the Cambrian era or the stone age and see what comes up on HinduSearchEngine.com.