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Friday, September 23, 2011

A Stable of Spiritual Philosophers

Scouring through the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), HinduSearchEngine.com has added a stable of spiritual philosophers from this site to its database. While IEP has biographies and articles on the works of philosophers from all over the world and all walks of life, HinduSearchEngine.com has picked out the most relevant ones for its search database. They are Indian, Chinese or Greeks. So if you are looking for Madhavachariya, or Dr. Radhakrishnan or Buddha, their listing in IEP can be found in HinduSearchEngine.com .  Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Ralph Waldo Emerson and more are also part of the database. Though IEP is not very complete in representing Indian philosophers, their articles are much more friendly reads compared to Wikipedia. Hopefully in time to come they will include Sri Adi Shankara, Sage Patanjali, Tiruvalluvar and more philosophers from the Indian Subcontinent. 

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