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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Indian Society, Institutions and Change

I added this book to HinduSearchEngine.com's database for its study of Varna (Society) dharma. It is an academic study of Manu Smriti ( Manu Dharmashastras) which is an ancient record of societal rules and norms on of ancient Hindu India. The book states the ideals of these rules and how they evolved in ancient societies and how they effect modern Hindu society. The book also discusses Christian and Muslim Indian society, their laws and customs. A good resource for the study of the Hindu concept of dharma.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Indian / Chinese History and Philosophy

Friesian.com is a site that has much historical and philosophical content. Of interest to HinduSearchEngine.com is the way it correlates the rise and fall of Indian and Chinese Empires, their connection and relationship, the spread of religion and culture among these two significant Asian ancients. I have included all this sites essays on Hindu, Buddhist, Indian and Chinese subjects, ranging from philosophy to history. This site however is very basic in its presentation. It is like sites you would encounter in the mid-nineties when the internet was just beginning. Expect academic essays that are comprehensive though a challenge to read. Its articles on world history is very informative making it excellent for research work on early Asian and European history.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saint Tayumanavar

Tayumanavar was a respected scholar in both Sanskrit and Tamil and was a minister to the King in Trichinopoly in South India. His name hails from the name of the deity of the Rockfort Temple in Trichinopoly. When he became god-minded he quit his job and began roaming, preaching Shaiva-siddhanta philosophy and Shiva worship. His songs are full of the divine bliss which he enjoyed and transmitted in abundance. The songs on the theme of the Atman craving for the union with the Supreme, are famous for their authenticity, simplicity and easily remembered language. He is also known for his unceasing emphasis on the unity of all paths to God and of all religions, and, in particular, on the unity of Vedanta and Shaiva siddhanta. Tayumanavar is one of the unsung spiritualist of Tamilnadu. His devotional songs all imbued with spiritual exhortations, yoga philosophy and mystical experiences are still sung by devotees of Lord Shiva in South India. With what little I can find about him on the net, I have added those sites to HinduSearchEngine's database.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pilgrimage Woes in Holy Amarnath

As world population increases it only becomes more imperative that governments take more effective custodian control over environmental care. In India the faithful may spell disaster for some of its most natural pilgrimage sites. This article from National Geographic is one that highlights such a need. Many are blaming the new helicopter rides to the cave for environmental degradation of Amarnath. However one of the biggest problems not just at Amarnath, but all over India is general civil disrespect of nature. Trash strewn all over by an uncaring society and lack of enforcement on such simple issues that make a lot of difference is a major problem. I hope keeping such news easily available on HinduSearchEngine.com will keep this issue of caring for nature in the forefront of pilgrims wanting to go to Amarnath when they search for pilgrimage information.

Learn To Do Yoga or Teach Yoga in Koh Phangan

If you are looking for a wonderful location to learn yoga or learn to teach yoga, do check out Thailandyoga.net . They have 200 hour and 300 hour teacher training courses, this are about the time it will take to be a good yoga teacher. I am especially interested in the incorporation of ayurveda and 'homa' fire ceremony in its courses. Of course Koh Phangan is a beautiful place and it is legendary for all sorts of bonfires, so why not a spiritual one, makes sense. Though I have not personally gone to check out this yoga retreat, I have a strong sense that a visit and deeper review of this place is worth it and will happen soon. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Hindu Website

If you are looking for quick references on Hinduism and Hindu related subjects such as astrology and yoga, www.hinduwebsite.com is a page to check on the go. Its material are briefs, often sourced from other places but it has some good references for certain hard to find scriptures like the Manu Dharma Shastras. I have added this site to HinduSearchEngine.com mainly for students looking or quick reference information for projects and assignments. The site gives an overview of the depth of Hindu teachings.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stotra Ratnas – An Amazing Collection of Hindu Temple Liturgy and Translations

Mr. P.P. Ramachander has done an monumental and amazing task of translating into English the meanings and transliterating into roman alphabets a large collection of Hindu mantras that are used in South Indian Temple liturgy. These compendium of mantras are important parts of scriptures from the Saivite, Vaishnavite and Shakta sects of Hinduism. They are often chanted in daily and special festivals in the temples. Mr. P.P. Ramachander must be praised for his efforts in making the meaning and chanting of these sacred mantras available to all those who are interested in them. While the site itself is simple and terse in its presentation, for the discerning student of Hindu mantras, yearning devotees and scholar of mantras this website is a very welcome effort and deserving of praise.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Bad Effects of Mining Ganga's Riverbed

The Ganges River is a river of vital importance to the people of India and Hindus all over the world. It sustains economy, religion and culture, yet greed can destroy the vitality of the Ganga. This article on the effort of a group of brave swamis trying to fight off some of India's mining mafia's sheds light on current issues effecting the Ganga and also about the passion of spiritual people in fighting for righteousness at many levels. The article is on Hindusearchengine.com to enrich understanding on current issues surrounding the Ganga. It also leads readers to other interesting articles and photos related to Ganga on National Geographics site.