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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stotra Ratnas – An Amazing Collection of Hindu Temple Liturgy and Translations

Mr. P.P. Ramachander has done an monumental and amazing task of translating into English the meanings and transliterating into roman alphabets a large collection of Hindu mantras that are used in South Indian Temple liturgy. These compendium of mantras are important parts of scriptures from the Saivite, Vaishnavite and Shakta sects of Hinduism. They are often chanted in daily and special festivals in the temples. Mr. P.P. Ramachander must be praised for his efforts in making the meaning and chanting of these sacred mantras available to all those who are interested in them. While the site itself is simple and terse in its presentation, for the discerning student of Hindu mantras, yearning devotees and scholar of mantras this website is a very welcome effort and deserving of praise.

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