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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shiva Bala Yogi

http://www.shiva.org leads you the website dedicated to a lesser known but nevertheless popular Hindu guru Shiva Bala Yogi. Shiva Bala Yogi was a God Realized saint whose teachings was aimed to inspire followers to seek this Spiritual Realization as an important goal in their life. Shiva Bala Yogi was highly venerated not only for his spiritual acumen but also for his humility and ability as a siddhar (one with mystical powers). His teachings put simply is summarized in "Dhyana, vibhuti, bhajan, bhava samadhi" (Practice meditation, be devoted to God, sing His/Her praise, enjoy Divine Ecstacy). This entire website is now in the stable of HinduSearchEngine.com's spiritual preceptors.

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